associated with
biopsy of primary
and metastatic

Imaging Phenotypes May Provide
a Novel Biomarker Approach
Phenotypic precision medicine may facilitate decision making based on observable characteristics that are produced through the interaction of a genotype and environment.1-6 Phenotypes can be assessed through noninvasive diagnostics, such as PSMA PET/computed tomography (CT) imaging.3,7-12
In contrast, the analysis of genotypes requires the collection of biologic samples, which can be complicated to do in advanced prostate cancer.13-15
Limitations of prostate cancer biopsies include…

Bone biopsies
are technically
challenging to

Not all lesions
are amenable
to biopsy13,15,19,20,23

Biopsies of a single tumour may not capture intra- and intertumoural heterogeneity13,15,19,24,25
While genotypes require biologic samples for genetic sequencing, imaging phenotypes can be characterized by noninvasive diagnostics: conventional imaging (CT or bone scan) or next-generation imaging (PET/CT).3,7-12
PET imaging leverages radiotracers to visualize cancer tissue at a high sensitivity and specificity.26-31
Commonly used radiotracers include…
(Date of EMA or FDA Approval, if Applicable) |
Physiologic Target | Characteristics |
(EMA: 2012; FDA: 2005)32,33 |
Glucose metabolism32,33 |
(FDA: 2012)36 |
Cell membrane synthesis36 |
Cell membrane synthesis38 |
(EMA: 2017; FDA: 2016)53,54 |
Amino acid transport53,54 |
Targets PSMA |
bIn a meta-analysis of the staging/restaging performance of 18F-choline carried out on 16 patient-based and 4 lesion-based studies in 2122 patients and 1039 lesions, respectively.50
cIn a head-to-head comparison performed in 50 patients radically treated for prostate cancer and presenting with rising PSA levels.56
dIn a prospective, single-center, open-label comparative study, 50 adults with biochemical recurrence after radical prostatectomy and PSA levels <2 ng/mL.12
eIn a meta-analysis of the predictive performance of 68Ga-PSMA in 16 studies involving 1309 patients.29
fIn a single-arm prospective trial of 635 patients with biochemically recurrent prostate cancer who underwent 68Ga-PSMA-11 PET.59
PSMA PET imaging is a noninvasive diagnostic approach that may impact treatment decisions in advanced prostate cancer.3-5,7-9
NCCN makes no warranties of any kind whatsoever regarding their content, use or application and disclaims any responsibility for their application or use in any way.
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